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Select the right audio guide system

Author : Date : 2020/2/17 15:14:02
One of the first steps you can make toward improving the quality of your tour is to know what kind of audio guide system is right for you and your tour guests. Taking the initiative to invest in a quality audio guide system  is already the first step, as understanding your environment and who you’re talking to allows you to improve the overall quality of the tour. Of course, there’s a number of amplification options available, so it really depends on where you are, who you're talking to and the number of people you're giving the tour to. Here are several factors you’ll want to keep in mind prior to selecting a tour guide system.
audio guide system
 audio guide system 
First, you need to consider the environment where you'll be giving the tour. What kind of noise is produced where you'll be giving the tours. If you're offering a tour in a closed environment with low ceilings and little production noise you may not need to have any kind of audio guide system at all. At the very least, a small, portable microphone and self-contained speaker system will be all you'll need for this kind of setup.

2. Size of the tour 
Next you need to consider how large the tour is going to be. This will affect the kind of audio guide system you'll need to invest in. When there are only a handful of guests you can spring for a headphone based system. This is comfortable for both you to talk into and your guests. Your headphones will be similar to your guests, only yours will have a microphone configuration built into it. This is easy to walk with while not carrying around much in the way of audio guide system.

3. Hard hat zone
Is the facility you're giving a tour of a hard hat zone? Is it necessary for safety reasons to have some kind of helmet on while walking through? If so you'll want to have a tour guide system that allows you to wear a helmet without interfering with the headphones.

Keywords: Audio Guide | Tour Guide | Team Guide | audio tour | E Guide | Auto Guide | Wireless Guide | Wireless Tour Guide | Audio Guide device|system | Tour Guide device/system | wireless voice Transmitter/Receiver | wireless audio Transmitter/Receiver | Portable wireless voice/audio Transmitter/Receiver | Electronic Tour Guide | Electronic Auto Tour Guide |

Website: HumanTek | HM2002 | IT2002 | audio-tour-guide.cn | rf-transmitter-receiver.com | tour-guide-device.com | audio-guide-systems.com | wireless-tour-guide.com |