It is important not to consider an interactive showcase as a simple gadget. It is a marketing tool in its own right that must be integrated into the marketing plan and have to be of real interest to shoppers, potential customers, but also customers. For example, it will be a simple case of not reproducing the company’s website, which does not bring any new information to the customer or prospect who can find all this information on his smartphone.

interactive showcase
The interest of the interactive showcase will also be to have a defined goal for the company (to improve the rate of transit through points of sale, conversion rates, the dissemination of targeted information, and so on). These showcases allow for numerous data collections, a considerable advantage for a company. It will then be sufficient to quantify, measure and analyse the data generated and collected by the interactive showcase to refine and correct the marketing and communication strategy and even act on the products and the market, all this to improve the results of the company.

The primary purpose of an interactive showcase is to provide information while at the same time reaching out to passers-by. Indeed, it can take the form of a catalogue or guided tours for a real estate, for example, can allow virtual tests of clothes or glasses or simply intrigue and attract the attention of potential customers. Interactive showcases capture the interest of passers-by by playfully capturing their attention, and once the passer-by is lured by this unique showcase, it will be a question of informing them about the company, the trends and the products.